Progressive Movement: a reform movement born in the last decade of the 1800s; Born out of the discontent resulting from the rapid industrialization of Amaerica and the effects of that industrialization; Will affect almost every area of American life.
They attacked monopolies, corruption, inefficiency, and social injustice; most progressives were from the middle class and were men and women.
Two major goals: To improve the common person's conditions in life and labor and the use of the power of the states against trusts.
Many authors were progressives; many articles were written regarding American life and calling for change.
Some progressives: Henry James believed in a pragmatic approach to life, believing that each individual can affect their situation; Thorstein Veblen and Charles Beard went after business; John Dewey called for reform in education; Oliver Wendell Holmes Jr. and Louis Brandeis, Supreme Court justices, hoped that they could use the law to effect change; churches preached change; Florence Kelley called for improved working conditions for women.
Muckrakers: Early investigative reporters who exposed many of the wrongs in society.
The muckrakers wrote magazine articles and novelscalling for reforms. IDA TARBELL attacked John D. Rockefeller's Standard Oil trust; LINCOLN STEFFENS wrote articles exposing corruption in city government; RAY STANNARD BAKER attacked the railroads adn mine owners; DAVID PHILLIP focused on the U.S. Senate; UPTON SINCLAIR, in his book, THE JUNGLE, had great impact on the meatpacking industry.
Progressives called for POLITICAL REFORM also. They started their calls on the municipal level, and new forms of municipal government were created: Examples: city-wide elections, commission form of government, city managers; the intent was to get government out of the hands of political machines and improve conditions through better government.
Due to the progressives, changes were also made at the state level of government; a major force at this level was ROBERT M. LAFOLLETTE in the state of Wisconsin. His state became known as the "laboratory of democracy." The direct primary was established which gave voters an opportunity to have a say-so in who would be the party's nominee; laws improving civil service, the graduated income tax was adopted.
The INITIATIVE and RECALL were adopted and the 17th Amendment calling for the direct election of senators was ratified.
The women's movement had a platform in the progressive movement, promoting women's suffrage. CARRIE CHAPMAN CATT was one of the leaders.
PROHIBITION was a reform effort.
The equality promoted by progressives, however, did not extend to African Americans. Some progressives did work for equality and an end to discrimination; Note the NIAGARA MOVEMENT; The NAACP was formed in 1910 to end segregation and gain voting rights for all African Americans.
Some of these efforts by African Americans led to increased violence as race riots occurred: ex: Memphis, Tennessee, Atlanta, and Mississippi;
BOOKER T. WASHINGTON was the most visible spokesman for African Americans as was W.E.B. DUBOIS.
Radical movements such as the Socialist Party and the IWW were active.
The FEMINIST MOVEMENT was led by Emma Goldman(sexual liberation), Margaret Sanger(birth control), and Charlotte Gilman(right to work outside the home).
The NATIONAL LEVEL OF GOVERNMENT was affected by the Progressive Movement. THEODORE ROOSEVELT was instrumental in bringing it to the national level. He gave the federal government greater regulatory power.
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