Monday, November 26, 2012


UNCLE TOM'S CABIN:  Written by Harriet Beecher Stowe, its portrayal of southern treatment of slaves angered southerners.

"THE LIBERATOR":  Militant abolitionist paper whose editor was William Lloyd Garrison

LEADERS OF SLAVE REVOLTS:  Gabriel Prosser, Nat Turner, Denmark Vesey

ABOLITIONISTS:  James G. Birney,  Harriet Tubman, Frederick Douglass, William Lloyd Garrison



DRED SCOTT DECISION, 1857:  Chief Justice Roger B. Taney, a southerner, wrote this decision, hoping to end the debate over slavery; instead, he only inflamed it more.  By a 7 to 2 decsion, the Supreme Court ruled that slaves were not citizens, therefore, Dred Scott could not sue in a federal court. It also ruled that slaves are property and because of that, the Missouri Compromise of 1820 was unconstitutional because it prevented slave owners from taking their slaves above 36 degrees, 30 minutes latitude. 


South Carolina threatened to secede from the Union (United States) if Abraham Lincoln was elected President.  As you know, he was elected in 1860.  By April, 1861, eleven southern states had seceded.  They had created the CONFEDERATE STATES OF AMERICA or the Confederacy as the new nation. The first capital of the Confederacy was MONTGOMERY, ALABAMA.  JEFFERSON DAVIS was elected at the President of the Confederacy and Alexander Stephens as Vice-President.    Later, the capital is moved to Richmond, Virginia.

FIRING ON FORT SUMTER, April,1861:  This starts the Civil War, also called the War Between the States.  Ft. Sumter is located in Charleston, South Carolina and was a federal fort. 

LINCOLN'S REASON FOR FIGHTING IN 1861:  To preserve the Union; With the issuing of the EMANCIPATION PROCLAMATION  in 1863, the purpose for fighting became to END SLAVERY.

ROBERT E. LEE:  Is appointed as the commander of the Army of Northern Virginia and is recognized as the foremost Confederate general of the Civil War. 

ULYSSES S. GRANT:  Eventually becomes commander of the Union forces.  He will accept Lee's surrender at Appomattox.

EMANCIPATION PROCLAMATION, 1863:  Lincoln's proclamation that all slaves in states now under the control of Union forces were free.  This now changes the Union's reason for fighting to being to preserve the Union and to end slavery.

APPOMATTOX COURTHOUSE, April, 1865:  Where General Robert E. Lee surrendered to General Ulysses S. Grant, ENDING THE CIVIL WAR

LINCOLN'S ASSASSINATION:  April, 14, 1865:  John Wilkes Booth shot Lincoln at Ford's Theater in Washington, D.C. as Lincoln and his wife, Mary Todd Lincoln, were attending a play, "Our American Cousin."   Lincoln died early the next morning.  This will be the worst thing that could have happened to the South. 

RECONSTRUCTION:  The name given to the period when defeated southern states were being reconstructed politically, socially, and economically.  This period started while the war was being fought, but the official dates for it are 1865-1877.  There were two periods of Reconstruction:  PRESIDENTIAL RECONSTRUCTION and CONGRESSIONAL RECONSTRUCTION.


It is important to remember that the tariff was an issue between various sections of the country during the first half of the 1800s.  In other words, slavery was not the only issue to divide the sections.

MISSOURI COMPROMISE, 1820:  Would admit Missouri as a slave state and Maine as a free state; would keep balance in the Senate at 12 for each section; slavery will be prohibited in the rest of the Louisiana Purchase north of the line of 36 degrees, 30 minutes, which is the southern boundary of Missouri; Jefferson referred to it as the "knell of the Union."  This compromise was largely the work of Henry Clay.

TARIFF OF 1828, also known as the TARIFF OF ABOMINATIONS:  Very high tariff, 45 percent on some manufactured goods; sutherners very angry; South Carolina leaders attacked it and the SC legislature issued the SOUTH CAROLINA EXPOSITION that denounced the tariff as unconstitutional and called upon the states to NULLIFY it.  Secretly written by John C. Calhoun.  Only SC supported it but it shows division among the sections. 

WEBSTER-HAYNE DEBATE:  Sectionalism is certainly seen in these debates.....It started over the issue of the sale of western lands but evolved into a debate over the union versus states' rights.  It also pointed out the growing differences between Andrew Jackson and John C. Calhoun

JACKSON'S ATTACK ON THE BANK OF THE UNITED STATES:  Jackson's taking government funds out of the BUS and distributing in what become known as his "Pet Banks" will eventually result in the PANIC OF 1837, along with other causes, which President Van Buren will have to deal with.

WHIG PARTY formed from those who oppose Jackson.

ELECTION OF 1836:  Martin Van Buren, Democrat, elected; defeated Whig candidate, William Henry Harrison

ELECTION OF 1840:  Whigs elect William Henry Harrison; he dies shortly; Vice-president John Tyler, becomes President.  He was NOT strong Whig.  This was the first election to experience a mass turnout.

ELECTION OF 1844:  Democrats elect James K. Polk who supports expansion: the annexation of Texas and expansion into Oregon; Henry Clay was defeated; he opposed expansion.

MANIFEST DESTINY:  that growing belief in the 1840s that the U.S. was destined to expand to the Pacific Ocean

MEXICAN WAR, 1846-48:  Treaty of Guadalupe gave the U.S. the Rio Grande River as the southern boundary of Texas, California, the area that is today New Mexico, Arizona, Nevada, Utah, and parts of Colorado and Wyoming.  The U.S. would  make a payment to Mexico.  Whigs opposed the Senate ratification for fear of expansion of slavery into the new territories.

WILMOT PROVISO:  attempted to prevent the extension of slavery into the lands acquired fromMexico.  Southern senators blocked its passage;  Increases division between the sections.

ELECTION OF 1848:  Whigs elect Zachary Taylor, having passed over Henry Clay as their candidate.  Very close election due to the Free-soil party splitting the vote. Taylor will later die in office and Millard Fillmore became President.  This will contribute to the passage of the Compromise of 1850.

FREE-SOIL PARTY:  formed by anti-slavery men from the north who opposed Zachary Taylor.  Made up of these Whigs and Democrats. Chose Martin Van Buren as their candidate who campaigned on the slogan, "Free soil, free speech, free labor, and free men."  Again, you can see the slavery issue is divisive.


COMPROMISE OF 1850:  California had applied for statehood as a free state in 1849.  Southerners oppose b/c this would upset the 15 to 15 balance in the Senate.  Southerners were feeling that they were losing territory into which slavery could be extended; of course, those who oppose slavery support this.  Northerners have continued to call for the ABOLITION OF SLAVERY in the District of Columbia, and this angers southerners.  The UNDERGROUND RAILROAD is helping more and more slaves escape from the South.  Southerners want a stronger FUGITIVE SLAVE LAW. 

When California applied for statehood, the issue of slavery would now have to be debated in the U.S. Congress.  Henry Clay once again stepped in and offered a compromise, the Compromise of 1850.
Key Provisions:  California to be admitted as a FREE state; the slave trade would be outlawed in the Disrict of Columbia but slavery allowed; a FUGITIVE SLAVE LAW was established; Texas gave up some claims in the New Mexico Territory and received monetary compensation.

Many believed the North won in this; the Fugitive Slave Law was not enforced.

ELECTION OF 1852:  Democrats nominate Franklin Pierce who was a pro-southern northerner which makes him acceptable to the slavery wing of the Democratic Party.  Whigs nominate Winfield Scott.  The Whig Party split.  Pierce won by a landslide.  This election ended the Whigs as an organized political party.  Both Henry Clay and Daniel Webster had died during this campaign. 

Following this election, the political parties are said to have become "sectional parties."

OTHER ISSUES:  Problems with Britain in Central America, problems with Spain over Cuba, establishnent of a trade agreement with Japan in the Treaty of Kanagawa. 

KANSAS-NEBRASKA ACT:  Proposed by Stephen A. Douglas; he proposed that the Nebraska Territory be divided into two territories of Kansas and Nebraska.  Said the slavery issue would be settled by "POPULAR SOVEREIGNTY," meaning the people would decided by voting.  South sees a chance for slavery to be extended into an area they had never considered, that being Kansas.  Would be a violation of the Missouri Compromise; President Pierce supported; the bill PASSED.  Will end enforcement of the Fugitive Slave Law and the Missouri Compromise. 

This will greatly damage the Democrat Party, dividing it into Northern Democrats and Southern Democrats, and will also lead to the creation of the REPUBLICAN PARTY and the KNOW-NOTHING PARTY.

ELECTION OF 1856:  Democrats are able to elect James Buchanan as President.


Monday, November 5, 2012

NOTES:  11/5/2012

The focus of these notes will be the key events leading to the Civil War, some being more influential than others.

ELECTION OF 1816:  Rufus King will be the last Federalist candidate and was defeated easily.  James Monroe, the Republican candidate, another Virginian, was elected.  This will initiate the "ERA OF GOOD FEELINGS" AND one-party government.

There was a very strong NATIONALISTIC feeling in the U.S. following the War of 1812 as many Americans felt the U.S. had won that war.  Evidence of this nationalism was President Madison's call in his last annual message to Congress in 1815 in which he stressed the need for strong national defenses, protection for manufacturers, and construction of internal improvements such as roads and canals.
Congress will authorize a standing army of 10,000 men and $8,000,000 for new ships.  Also passed the Tariff Act of 1816 to protect U.S. manufacturers......congress re-charters the Bank of the United States.

Henry Clay and John C. Calhoun will strongly promote internal improvements.  Madison believed in this need but he did not believe the federal government had the authority to set aside monies for this purpose.  John C. Calhoun had proposed monies in the BONUS BILL. 

IMPORTANT UNDERSTANDING:  Chief Justice John Marshall was responsible for rulings that greatly increased the power of the federal government.

States do begin to build roads, but most roads in this period were muddy and dusty, especially those in the West.

New states are being created:  Indiana, Mississippi, Illinois, Alabama (1819).

Americans are moving in four lived west of the Appalachian Mts. by 1820.

ADAMS-ONIS TREATY, 1819......Spain ceded all its territory east of the Mississippi.....the treaty also fixed a boundary line between all Spanish and American land claims west of the Mississippi in a step look up to the 42nd parallel and westward to the Pacific.

PANIC OF 1819.......leads to a depression....main cause was overexpansion of credit to buy western hurt the West the most and the poorer in the country.

ELECTION OF 1820.....Monroe re-elected

Republican Party will begin to split by the end of Monroe's presidency.

SECTIONALISM growing due to different economic interests.....Example:  Tariff of 1816 was opposed by the South and Southwest;  New England states, middle states, and west support it.

Slavery was increasingly becoming an issue for the nation.  The TALLMADGE AMENDMENT, introduced in the H.of R. proposed that no more slaves should be brought into Missouri and children born to slaves should gradually be EMANCIPATED.  The Senate defeated the amendment.

MISSOURI COMPROMISE, 1820.....Very important!!!!!!  Largely the work of Henry would admit Missouri as a slave state and Maine as a free state....this would keep the balanced in the Senate.....Slavery was to be prohibited in the rest of the Louisiana Purchase north of the line 36 degrees, 30 minutes.......It was passed.

MONROE DOCTRINE, 1823:  Very important.....READ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

ELECTION OF 1824:  John Quincy Adams elected......Angers Andrew Jackson's supporters.

TARIFF OF 1828 OR TARIFF OF ABOMINATIONS.....South disliked it.....Results in South Carolina issuing the SOUTH CAROLINA EXPOSITION denouncing the tariff as unconstitutional and called upon the states to NULLIFY it.  Secretly written by John C. Calhoun......Only supported by South Carolina.

ELECTION OF 1828:  Andrew Jackson elected.....a very dirty campaign.....the COMMON MAN had elected Jackson....Jackson will increase the power of the presidency more than any president before him......Democratic-Republican Party splits into the NATIONAL REPUBLICAN OF Adams and Clay and the Democratic-Republican Party of Calhoun, Jackson, and Martin Van Buren.

1. Great use of Spoils System
2. Webster-Hayne Debates, 1830
3. Re-elected in 1832 by defeating Henry Clay....First third political party introduced:  Anti-Masonic Party....Nominating conventions introduced to nominate candidates rather that party caucuses.....Formal party platforms adopted by the Anti-masons and National Republicans
4. Removal of the five civilized tribes to the West
5. Democratic-Republicans become the Democrats
6. Whig Party begins due to the nullification crisis and the Bank war.  Made up of those who opposed Jackson....Led by Henry Clay and DANIEL WEBSTER.
7. Veto of BUS re-charter bill (sponsored by Henry Clay); Jackson does not like Henry Clay and does not like the Bank of the United States.
8. Tariff of 1832 (MUST READ ABOUT).....Increases South Carolina opposition.....NULLIFICATION proposed again

ELECTION OF 1836:  Whigs have several candidates;  Democrats nominate Maring Van Buren who will be elected by an overwhelming electoral vote but narrow popular vote......He was Jackson's hand-picked successor.

ELECTION OF 1840:  Whigs nominate WILLIAM HENRY HARRISON with JOHN TYLER as his running mate....FIRST ELECTION to experience a MASS TURNOUT.  Harrison WON.  Harrison dies after one month in office due to pneumonia.  TYLER comes PRESIDENT.

TYLER'S PRESIDENCY:  Tyler was NOT a strong Whig and he and Clay strongly disagree and Tyler will continually oppose Henry Clay with the exception of the Tariff of 1842.
The Democratic Party becomes more and more a southern party during Tyler's presidency.  Whigs are more northern.

Sunday, November 4, 2012

NOTES:  11/4/2012

Election of 1800:  Republican candidates were Thomas Jefferson(President) and Aaron Burr(V.P).  Federalist candidate for President was John Adams;  Federalists were split b/c adams would not go to war with France;  the election resulted in a tie in the electoral vote between Jefferson and Burr.....note they were of the same party.....Under the constitution at that time, each elector was to vote for two candidates, but it did not specify that one vote was for President and the other was for Vice-president.  According to the constitution, the House of Representatives has to decide who will be president; it was controlled by the Federlists......the House chose Jefferson; Hamilton worked against Burr.  Burr became vice-president.

Key Events of Jefferson's Presidency: 
(1) Judiciary Act of 1801 was the first important piece of legislation passed by the Federalist congress.  Jefferson attempted to block some of the appointments that resulted from this act.  His efforts resulted in a MOST IMPORTANT Supreme Court case, MARBURY v. MADISON.  Chief Justice, JOHN MARSHALL, a Federalist, ruled against Marbury, but in doing so, he assigned teh Supreme Court the power of JUDICIAL REVIEW.  Is important b/c it strenthens the power of the Supreme Court and the Federal Government. 

(2) Tripolitan War, 1801-1803: 

(3) Louisiana Purchase, 1803:  U.S. bought from France......Napoleon was emperor of France....bought for $15 million....Question arose as to whether or not the President could negotiae treaties.....Jefferson will loosely interpret the Constitution to do this which is different from his earlier stance on interpretation.....the Senate ratified the treaty.....this purchase doubled the size of the United States, extending the U.S. western boundary to the Rocky Mountains and north of Spanish territory in Texas (Tejas). 

(4) Lewis and Clark Expedition, 1804-1805;  opened the West to Indian trade and exploration and this gives the U.S. a claim to Oregon. 

(5) War between Britain and France started in 1803......Britain would stop U.S. ships to inspect for arms and deserters and IMPRESSED U.S. sailors.  Jefferson's response was non-importation laws that banned certain British goods. 

(6)  Chesapeake-Leopard Incident, 1807:  resulted from the British effort to board and search the USS Chesapeake at the mouth of Chesapeake Bay which is in U.S. waters.  The HMS Leopard fired on the Chesapeake when the Chesapeake's captain refused to allow the search, killing 3 Americans and wounding 18; Chesapeake surrendered;  Americans demand war; Jefferson will not call for war.

(7). Embargo Act of 1807:  Was Jefferson's response to the war between Britain and France.  Referred to in a cartoon at OGRABME.....It prohibited international trade from American ports.  It severely hurts the American economy.....New England, South, and West hurt....Depression and unemployment result....Will split Republican party.....the Federalists had become a very weak party, but this gives them a new lease on life......Act repealed by Congress in 1809......WAS JEFFERSON'S WORST MISTAKE.

(8) 1804....Jefferson and the Republicans attempted to re-shape the Supreme Court.......House of Represented IMPEACHED justice SAMUEL CHASE.......Senate refused to convict Chase.  The Republicans had failed to re-shape the Supreme Court in order to meet their needs.....This stopped Jefferson's efforts to pack the Court with Republican justices......maintained the independence of the judiciary and was a victory for SEPARATION OF POWERS. 

ELECTION OF 1808:  Nation in depression......Republicans choose James Madison, Sec. of State under Jefferson......Madison won easily....Most Federalist support in New England states.

(1)  Indian troubles in the West......Battle of Tippecanoe and William Henry Harrison

(2) Birth of the War Hawks, Henry Clay and John C. Calhoun were two key war hawks.....will support war with Britain and Spain.....were from south and west.....want to expand U.S. territory by taking Canada and Spanish Florida

(3) Election of 1812.....Madison re-elected

(4) WAR OF 1812.....U.S. declares war on Britain....Causes were freedom of the seas and impressment....Country divided over war.....Republican Pary will split.....a peace faction and a war faction......U.S.not prepared....Army and Navy weak, treasury almost empty and no centralized banking system.....Bank charter had expired....BE FAMILIAR WITH THE WAR.... READ!!!!....Key individuals:   Oliver Hazard Perry, William Henry Harrison, Andrew Jackson, Francis Scott Key;  KEY BATTLES:  Lake Erie, Battle of Thames, Horseshoe Bend, Washington D.C. burned, Baltimore, NEW ORLEANS.
RESULTS:  U.S. gained respect as a nation.....Nationalism  and patriotism increased, American economy improved.....Indian resistance in Northwest and Southwest broken.....HARTFORD CONVENTION.....Federalist Party further weakened due to their opposition to the war.....Republicans strengthened.

(5)  A very important asset to Madison was his wife, Dolly.

Monday, April 23, 2012

The event that brought the United States into World War II was Japan's attack on Pearl Harbor, Hawaii on December 7, 1941.  The U.S. declared war on December 8, 1941. By this time, Hitler had violated the terms of his non-aggression pact with the Soviet Union and had attacked it. 

Japan, Germany, and Italy will be known as the AXIS Powers.  The United States, Great Britain, the Free French under the leadership of Charles De Gaulle, and their allies will be collectively known as the ALLIES.

Initially, the United States carried out a "holding" action in the Pacific against Japan with the exception of the Doolittle Raid on Tokyo in early 1942.  That sent a message to Japan and lifed the morale of Americans.

The first major offensive involving the United States was in North Africa where the Americans and the British defeated German and Italian forces.  American leadership was provided by General Dwight D. Eisenhower and George C. Patton while the British were commanded by General Bernard Montgomery.  A major "turning point" victory in North Africa was the British victory at El Alamein.

After victory in North Africa, the allies turned to southern Europe.  Joseph Stalin, leader of the Soviet Union, was wanting President Roosevelt of the United States and Prime Minister Winston Churchill of Great Britain to open a second front in western Europe that would cause Hitler to reduce pressure on the Soviet Union.  They would not at this time.

3 TURNING POINT BATTLES IN WORLD WAR II:  El Alamein in North Africa, Stalingrad in the Soviet Union, and Midway in the Pacific

JUNE 6, 1944:  D-DAY, also known as Operation Overlord and the INVASION OF NORMANDY occurred.  This was the second front that Stalin had long wanted.  The United States, Britain, Canada, and the Free French participated in this attack on the Normandy coast. The code names for the beaches where the landings would take place were Gold, Juno, Sword, Utah, and Omaha (deadliest).  10,549 soldiers died, 6,603 of them were Americans, 3,000 British, and 946 Canadians.  Watch the movie, "Saving Private Ryan."  THIS WILL BE THE BEGINNING OF THE END FOR THE GERMANS as they begin to retreat from western Europe and are retreating from the Soviet Union after their defeat at Stalingrad. The decision for this attack was made at the TEHERAN CONFERENCE in November, 1943 where FDR and Churchill met with Stalin.  ALSO, Stalin made his desire for a "BUFFER" zone in eastern Europe known as this time.  FDR indicated that he would not oppose Stalin's effort but would not take a public position supporting his claim.

The Germans and Italians were now being squeezed between the Americans and British attacking Europe from the west, the Soviets attacking from the east, and the Americans and British attacking from the south through Italy. 

HOLOCAUST:  This given by the Jews and the west for Hitler's FINAL SOLUTION.  This was Hitler's effort to rid Europe of all Jews.  Concentration and Death camps were discovered in Germany and Poland as the allies advanced on Germany where the Jews were being put to death.  More notable Death Camps:  Dachau, Auschwitz, Buchenwald, Treblinka, Sobibor.  SIX MILLION Jews were killed by the Nazis.  The United States had been made aware of the Death camps but showed indifference toward them until the discoveries were made. 

BATTLE OF THE BULGE:  Dec., 1944; Germany's last major offensive in Europe.  At the town of Bastogne, Captain McAuliffe answered the German demand for the American surrender with the famous statement, "Nuts."
PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION OF 1944:  FDR elected to a record 4th term; Harry Truman was Vice-president.

YALTA CONFERENCE:  February, 1945....FDR and Churchill met with Stalin at this resort city on the Black Sea.  Discussed the occupation of Germany, the creation of the United Nations, and the situation regarding eastern Europe.  Stalin let be known that he wanted eastern Europe as a SPHERE OF INFLUENCE for the Soviet Union.  Stalin was not concerned about free elections nor self-determination for these eastern European countries.  He wanted them as a "buffer" zone against any future attacks from the west.  FDR has been criticized as giving away too much at Yalta but Stalin's armies were already in control of most of it. 

APRIL 12, 1945:  FDR dies of a cerebral hemorrhage at Warm Springs, Georgia, the Little Whitehouse, while on vacation.  He would go there for the warm springs to help his polio.  He had been unable to walk without the assistance of leg braces and canes for many years since contracting polio.  He used a wheelchair but you seldom saw pictures of this.  HARRY TRUMAN became president.

ELBE RIVER:  Where American and Soviet troops met for the first time.  The Soviets had taken Berlin.

MAY 8, 1945:  GERMANY SURRENDED; known as V-E Day.  Hitler had earlier committed suicide as the Soviets adavanced on Berlin. 

WAR IN THE PACIFIC:  Strategy was known as "island hopping" or "leapfrogging."  Leaders of this strategy were Admiral Chester Nimitz, Commander of Naval Forces in the Pacific, and General Douglas MacArthur, Commander of the miltary forces in the Pacific.

The fall of the Philippines to the Japanese was a major defeat for the United States and resulted in the infamous Bataan Death March.  General MacArthur was ordered by President to evacuate to Australia to prevent his capture by the Japanes.

Battle of Coral Sea:  May 7-8, 1942, the first naval battle fought entirely by carrier-based aircraft.  It stopped the Japanese advance on Australia.

Battle of Midway: June 3-6, 1942, considered the most important naval battle of the the Pacific war.  4 Japanese carriers were sunk.

Island-hopping campaign begins by army and marines.

Battle of Leyte Gulf:  Oct. 23-26, 1944, largest naval battle in world history;  KAMIKAZE introduced by Japan;  results in U.S. naval control in the Pacific.

Some island battles:  Iwo Jima (Feb., 1945, 4,189 deaths), Okinawa (April, 1945, 11,260 deaths), Tarawa, Saipan, Philippines, Guadalcanal.

POTSDAM CONFERENCE:  July, 1945, Truman learned that the Atomic bomb was ready to be used.  The Manhattan Project was the official name for the program to develop the atomic bomb. 

August 6, 1945: United States dropped the first ATOMIC BOMB on HIROSHIMA, JAPAN.
August 9, 1945: Dropped the second atomic bomb on NAGASAKI, JAPAN.

JAPAN SURRENDERED following the dropping of the second atomic bomb. 
August 15, 1945:  V-J DAY; t\he official Japanese surrender will be September 2, 1945 aboard the USS Missouri in Tokyo Bay.

During the war, discrimination toward Japanese-Americans occurred.  On the west coast, Japanese-Americans were placed in internment camps.  Executive Order 9066, signed by FDR, authorized their being forcefully placed in these camps.  In the Supreme Court case of KOREMATSU v. U.S., the evacuations were upheld. 

Attitudes towards African-Americans changed little during the war.  Segregation continued in the military and at home.  However, major contributions were made by the Tuskegee Airmen and other African-American units. 

Movement to where the jobs were during the war occurred.  Women flooded the workforce and "Rosie the Riveter" became a symbol to represent the American woman during the war.  YET, most women remained at home. 

The movie and music industry contributed to the war:  songs:  "God Bless America" sung by Kate Smith, and "White Christmas" sung by Bing Crosby..

IMMEDIATE EFFECTS OF WWII:  Devastation and loss of life in Europe, Asia, and North Africa;  recognition of the Holocaust; overthrow of fascism; founding of the United Nations; demilitarization of Germany and Japan; rise of the United States and the USSR as super powers; Soviet control of eastern Europe.

LONG-TERM EFFECTS OF WWII:  Cold War; divided Germany; formation of NATO and the Warsaw Pact; development of nuclear capability



Post-WWII world will be dominated by the beginning and continuation of what becomes known as the COLD WAR.  Born out of Stalin's refusal to withdraw Soviet forces from eastern Europe following WWII and his refusal to allow free elections by the people to determine what form of government they wanted.  It will be a war of words between the two superpowers but military conflicts will develop between communist and non-communist forces after World War II, most notably in KOREA and VIETNAM.  It was the result of the difference between the ideologies of democracy and communism.  Growing concern developed among western leaders as communist groups began to attempt to forcefully spread communism.


1946:  Winston Churchill's "IRON CURTAIN" speech in Fulton, Missouri.

CONTAINMENT: 1947,  the official U.S. policy toward the spread of communism following WWII.  Means the U.S. will attempt to keep it where it existed at the time, not allowing the spread of communism. 

TRUMAN DOCTRINE:  1947, U.S. policy "to protect free peoples who were resisting attempted subjugation by armed minorities or outside pressure."  Adopted when Greece and Turkey were being threatened by communism.  This begins the Cold War.

MARSHALL PLAN:  1947, U.S. economic plan to reconstruct Europe following WWII.  USSR refuses and will not allow those countries under its control to accept any assistance.

*******1947:  United Nations recommends that PALESTINE be DIVIDED into a JEWISH STATE and an ARAB STATE.  Arabs reject this plan.......BALFOUR DECLARATION:  a British statement in 1917 promising in Palestine a national home for the Jewish people..........ZIONISM:  the movement that called for a state for the Jewish people in their homeland, Palestine.

1948:  June...Stalin blockaded all highway, rail, and water traffic to western Berlin.  This initiates the BERLIN AIRLIFT in which the U.S. and G.B. airlifted supplies to Berlin.

MAY 14, 1948:  THE NATION OF ISRAEL CREATED and war breaks out between Arabs and Jews on May 15, 1948 that lasts until 1949. 

May, 1949:  U.S., G.B., and France create the German Federal Republic from their 3 zones of occupation. (West Germany)
October, 1949:  Soviet Union creates the German Democratic Republic under their control.  (East Germany)

April, 1949:  NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization) established (In 1955, the Soviets establish the WARSAW PACT to counter NATO.)

October, 1949:  PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC OF CHINA created under the leadership of Mao Tse Tung (Mao Zedong).  Chiang Kai-shek flees to Formosa.

1950:  NORTH KOREA(Communist) INVADES SOUTH KOREA(deomcratic) and starts the Korean Conflict.

1953: Stalin dies; Nikita Khrushchev comes to power in the USSR.
          Korean Conflict (War) ends.


Vietnam was one country in Indochina.  Laos and Cambodia were the other two.  Indochina had been colonized by the French in the 1800s.  The French exploited the Vietnamese.  The Japanese captured Vietnam in WWII.  The Vietnamese organized a resistance movement against the Japanese known as the Viet Minh, under the leadership of HO CHI MINH (Communist).  This will become the strongest political force in Vietnam and Ho Chi Minh was very popular.  He declared INDEPENDENCE on 9/2/1945. 

France organized a government in opposition to Ho Chi Minh's government and when talks failed between the French and Vietnamese, war broke out in 1946.  THE UNITED STATES SUPPORTED FRANCE WHEN THE USSR SUPPORTED HO.

France was defeated in 1954 at DIEN BIEN PHU and in the following treaty negoitations known as the GENEVA CONFERENCE, Laos and Cambodia were granted independence but VIETNAM WAS TO BE TEMPORARILY DIVIDED, the north governed by the Viet Minh and the south under a government backed by the French.  Agreement was made to hold elections to determine the fate of Vietnam.  The United States supported the South Vietnamese government led by Ngo Dinh Diem.  DIEM REFUSED TO LET THE ELECTIONS BE HELD AND HE BECAME PRESIDENT OF SOUTH VIETNAM.  Diem became unpopular among the people and his opponents formed the NATIONAL LIBERATION FRONT(NLF) with a military wing known as the VIETCONG.  They want to reunite Vietnam. 

Ho Chi Minh aids the NLF in the civil war that occurred and the United States supplied the South Vietnamese army.  President JOHN F. KENNEDY increased U.S. aid and sent 10,000 military ADVISORS in 1961. 

1963:  Diem overthrown

**********1964: GULF OF TONKIN INCIDENT:  results in the President Lyndon B. Johnson being given very broad powers to wage war in the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution and will provide the legal basis major military involvement in Indochina.  COMBAT TROOPS WILL BE COMMITTED TO VIETNAM. 

March, 1965:  NORTH VIETNAMESE ARMY ENTER SOUTH VIETNAM;  U.S. troops fighting with South Vietnames troops against the NVA and the Vietcong.

PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION OF 1968:  RICHARD M. NIXON ELECTED U.S. PRESIDENT and announces a policy of VIETNAMIZATION, meaning the gradual reduction of U.S. forces.

U.S. will begin to bomb North Vietnam.

1973:  PARIS PEACE ACCORDS:  North Vietnamese troops could remain in South Vietnam; NLF recognized as a legitimate political group in South Vietnam U.S. could continue to supply the South Vietnamese army; U.S. combat troops to leave. 

EFFECTS:  58,000 U.S. troop deaths; 300,000 wounded; $150 billion spent; longest war to that time.

Congress will finally cut off aid and in 1975, South Vietnam fell to the North and the country was united.

550,000 U.S. troops at the height of our involvement. 


1961:  Berlin Wall built by the Soviets

1962:  Cuban Missile Crisis

THE UNITED STATES AND SOVIET UNION EVENTUALLY DEVELOPED A POLICY OF DETENTE but serious differences continued to exist.  RONALD REAGAN, elected President in 1980, was strongly anti-communist and anti-Soviet Union.  He frequently verbally attacked the Soviet Union.  In the Soviet Union, Mikhail Gorbachev came to power.  Under his leadership, the Soviet Union allowed free elections in the eastern European countries and the USSR began to disintegrate.  The Berlin Wall came down in 1989 and the Soviet Union ended in 1991.  Reagan and Gorbachev developed a close relationship.

Monday, April 9, 2012


Known as the "Roaring Twenties"  The economy roared except for 2 brief periods and the automobile was central to the boom. 

Movie industry most popular form of entertainment:  KDKA out of Pittsburgh was the first commercial radio station. 
Sports grew:  Boxing, Baseball, Football

Red Scare

The "FLAPPER" was the new woman

Writers expressed disillusionment:  Ernest Hemingway, F. Scott Fitzgerald, Henry Mencken, Sinclair Lewis

African Americans continued to experience discrimination:  Marcus Garvey estab. United Nego Improvement Association to promote black pride and nationalism;  eventually found guilty of defrauding investors and deported.

Harlem Renaissance:  a period of exceptional black writing and expressed black nationalism:  Langston Hughes was known as the poet laureate of Harlem, Alaine Locke was the first black to be awarded a Rhodes Scholarship; black musicians:  Louis Armstrong, Duke Ellington

Strong anti-immigrant mood in America:  NATIVISM; Sacco-Vanzetti was a prime example

KKK revival:  re-organized  in 1915 by Methodist minister William Simmons at Stone Mountain, Georgia; a new movie, "The Birth of a Nation" glorified the Klan

Fundamentalism emerges as science clashed with religion:  The Scopes Monkey Trial in Dayton, TN was evidence of this; two famous attorneys:  Clarence Darrow and William Jennings Bryan

PROHIBITION was an issue:  18th Amendment banned sale of alcohol;  didn't work as "Speakeasies" were started in larger cities;  mobsters such as Al Capone and "Bugsy" Moran become famous

President Warren G. Harding, elected in 1920, died of a massive heart attack in August, 1923.  He had campaigned on the slogan, "A Return to Normalcy."  This resonated with Americans following World War I.  Calvin Coolidge became President.

Election of 1924:  Coolidge (Republican) defeated John Davis, the Democrat nominee; was division in the Democratic party; some supported Al Smith, New York governor, a Catholic, and William McAdoo, as strict prohibitionst from California; the party chose Davis.

Election of 1928:  Coolidge chose not to run:  Herbert Hoover, Republican, defeated Al Smith after the Republicans attacked Smith and his Cathoic religion and urbanism.  Republicans carried 5 southern states.....they had not done this since Reconstruction.  Huge voter turnout. 

Charles Lindbergh flight, housing growth, credit buying, raise in standard of living, 19th amendment

1929:  BEGINNING OF THE GREAT DEPRESSION:  Started with the collapse of the Stock Market in October, 1929.  Investors lost life savings.  Hoover received much of the blame but he was not responsible for its start:  the American economy had collapsed; Nothing that Hoover tried to end the depression would work.  Americans elected FRANKLIN DELANO ROOSEVELT in 1932, a Democrat. 

ELECTION OF 1932:  Roosevelt (FDR) elected overwhelmingly carrying 42 of 48 states, 89% of the electoral vote and democrats gained a majority in both houses of Congress.  FDR said "Happy Days Are Here Again" which was a popular campaign song.

Roosevelt's plan for ending the depression was known as THE NEW DEAL.  The first thing he did as part of this was to declare a Banking Holiday in which all banks were closed to assess their assets.  Many interesting and new initiatives were part of his New Deal, many which still exist today:  Example:  FDIC, SOCIAL SECURITY, TENNESSEE VALLEY AUTHORITY, BOULDER DAM, GRAND COULEE DAM

ELECTION OF 1936:  FDR re-elected by landslide, defeating Alfred Landon of Kansas

Supreme Court did not support many of FDR's initiative, striking them down as unconstitutional, resulting in FDR attempting to reform the Supreme Court, one of his worst mistakes.  He was attempting to get justices who would support his new programs. 

Another economic downturn in 1937 also weakened FDR's popularity.

I MUST EMPHASIZE THAT FDR'S NEW DEAL NEVER ENDED THE GREAT DEPRESSION and by 1939, the New Deal was dead.  It is said that FDR went too far to the LEFT ideologically. 

While the world was dealing with economic depression in the 1930s, totalitarian governments were rising in Europe and Asia:  Hitler and the Nazis in Germany, Mussolini and the Fascists in Italy, and a military government in Japan. 

A strong ISOLATIONIST attitude existed in the United States following World War I and continued into the 1930s.  This will affect how the United States responded to events involving these totalitarian governments in the 1930s.
EXAMPLES:  Japan seized Manchuria in northeastern China in 1931 and invaded more of China in 1937 and sank the USS Panay, killing 2 Americans.  In 1935, Benito Mussolini attacked Ethiopia and captured it in 1936.  Adolph Hiter, who had become Chancellor of Germany in 1933, ordered German troops to move into the Rhineland, a part of Germany, and this was in direct violation of the Treaty of Versailles and sent German troops to assist the Fascist, Francisco Franco, in overthrowing the government of Spain. 

FDR realized that the U.S. needed to be involved in international affairs.  He attempted to establish warmer relations with the Soviet Union by recognizing  them in 1933.

Officially stared on September 1, 1939 when Hitler invaded Poland.  The United States declared our neutrality.  The United States will clearly support Great Britain against Germany, Italy, and Japan, known as the Axis powers.  The United States will not enter the war until after the Japanese attack teh United States at Pearl Harbor, Hawaii on December 7, 1941. 

Sunday, March 18, 2012


Progressive Movement:  a reform movement born in the last decade of the 1800s; Born out of the discontent resulting from the rapid industrialization of Amaerica and the effects of that industrialization; Will affect almost every area of American life.

They attacked monopolies, corruption, inefficiency, and social injustice; most progressives were from the middle class and were men and women.

Two major goals:  To improve the common person's conditions in life and labor and the use of the power of the states against trusts.

Many authors were progressives; many articles were written regarding American life and calling for change.

Some progressives:  Henry James believed in a pragmatic approach to life, believing that each individual can affect their situation;  Thorstein Veblen and Charles Beard went after business; John Dewey called for reform in education; Oliver Wendell Holmes Jr. and Louis Brandeis, Supreme Court justices,  hoped that they could use the law to effect change; churches preached change; Florence Kelley called for improved working conditions for women.

Muckrakers:  Early investigative reporters who exposed many of the wrongs in society.

The muckrakers wrote magazine articles and novelscalling for reforms.  IDA TARBELL attacked John D. Rockefeller's Standard Oil trust;  LINCOLN STEFFENS wrote articles exposing corruption in city government;  RAY STANNARD BAKER attacked the railroads adn mine owners;  DAVID PHILLIP focused on the U.S. Senate; UPTON SINCLAIR, in his book, THE JUNGLE, had great impact on the meatpacking industry. 

Progressives called for POLITICAL REFORM also.   They started their calls on the municipal level, and new forms of municipal government were created:  Examples:  city-wide elections, commission form of government, city managers; the intent was to get government out of the hands of political machines and improve conditions through better government.

Due to the progressives, changes were also made at the state level of government; a major force at this level was ROBERT M. LAFOLLETTE in the state of Wisconsin.  His state became known as the "laboratory of democracy."  The direct primary was established which gave voters an opportunity to have a say-so in who would be the party's nominee; laws improving civil service, the graduated income tax was adopted.

The INITIATIVE and RECALL were adopted and the 17th Amendment calling for the direct election of senators was ratified.

The women's movement had a platform in the progressive movement, promoting women's suffrage.  CARRIE CHAPMAN CATT was one of the leaders.

PROHIBITION was a reform effort.

The equality promoted by progressives, however, did not extend to African Americans.  Some progressives did work for equality and an end to discrimination;  Note the NIAGARA MOVEMENT; The NAACP was formed in 1910 to end segregation and gain voting rights for all African Americans.
Some of these efforts by African Americans led to increased violence as race riots occurred:  ex: Memphis, Tennessee, Atlanta, and Mississippi;
BOOKER T. WASHINGTON was the most visible spokesman for African Americans as was W.E.B. DUBOIS. 

Radical movements such as the Socialist Party and the IWW were active.

The FEMINIST MOVEMENT was led by Emma Goldman(sexual liberation), Margaret Sanger(birth control), and Charlotte Gilman(right to work outside the home).

The NATIONAL LEVEL OF GOVERNMENT was affected by the Progressive Movement.   THEODORE ROOSEVELT was instrumental in bringing it to the national level.  He gave the federal government greater regulatory power.