Monday, March 4, 2013

March 4, 2013........World War I Terms
1. 4 underlying causes
2. Immediate cause
3. Reasons for U.S. entry into the war
    a. Lusitania sinking
    b. Unrestricted Submarine Warfare
    c. Zimmermann Telegram
Other Terms
4. Selective Service Act
5. War Industries Board
6. Committee on Public Safety
    a. Espionage Act
    b. Sedition Act
7. Wilson's Fourteen Points
8. November 11, 1918....Armistice
9. Treaty of Versailles
10. Article 231
11. Henry Cabot Lodge
12. Bolshevik Revolution

These additional notes pertain to Theodore Roosevelt and can be on your next exam:
1. The system of checks and balances did not keep him from attempting to achieve what he
    wanted. At times he would ignore the constitution.
2. Was very involved in foreign affairs:
     a. 1901: Hay-Pauncefote Treaty with Britain giving the U.S. a free hand to build an isthmian
     b. Decided on building a canal in Panama
     c. Senator Mark Hanna persuaded Senate to accept the Panama route
     d. Treaty with Colombia rejected by the Colombian senate; Panama was Colombian territory at     
         this time.
     e. With the help of the U.S. Navy, the Panamanians rebelled against Colombia in 1903
     f.  Theodore Roosevelt immediately recognized the Panamanian government
     g. Panama gained independence;  U.S. negotiated treaty, the Hay-Bunau-Varilla Treaty:  the U.S.
         paid an initial amount plus an annual payment to Panama for a 6-10 mile wide wide area of land
         across Panama from the Atlantic to the Pacific.
     h. Building started in 1904 and was completed in 1914. 
     i. Colonel George Goethals in charge of building it
     j. Colonel William C. Gorgas cleared the area of the mosquito carrying yellow fever
     k. First U.S. president to leave the U.S. for foreign soil when he went to Panama in 1906.
3.  The image of the U.S. was damaged  in Latin America.
4.  Roosevelt's pet proverb was "Speak softly and carry a big stick." 
5.  The Roosevelt Corollary to the Monroe Doctrine in 1905 and further damaged the U.S. image in
     Latin America; this makes the U.S. the POLICEMAN OF THE CARIBBEAN.  The U.S. could    
     intervene in Latin American countries if they got themselves into financial difficulty.
6. Negotiated the TREATY OF PORTSMOUTH between Russia and Japan in 1905 ending the Russo
    -Japanese War.
    a. The U.S. and Japan will now become rivals in Asia
    b. Gentlemen's Agreement between U.S. and Japan in 1906; T.R. sent U.S. navy on an around-the-
        world tour to show U.S. strength to Japan in 1907; painted ships white, the "Great White Fleet"
        and one stop was in Japan.
    c. Root-Takhira Agreement between U.S. and Japan in 1908
7. President Taft's approach to foreign policy was called DOLLAR DIPLOMACY.


1. His objective goals as President were to reform the TARIFF, the BANKS, and the TRUSTS; he
    attacked the tariff first, then the banking system, and then the trusts. 
2. Much progressive legislation was passed in Wilson's presidency; appointed LOUIS BRANDEIS to
    the Supreme Court; he was the first Jewish justice.
3. Wilson did not follow Roosevelt's nor Taft's foreign policy approaches.
4. U.S. became involved in Mexico during Wilson's presidency.

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